Welcome to Great Moor Junior School
Headteacher's Welcome
I am very proud as the Headteacher, to welcome and introduce you to Great Moor Junior School.
Great Moor Junior School is a co-educational community Junior School and our pupils are with us for four years (Years 3 – 6). During this time our aim is to give children a life-long love of learning by providing a broad, balanced, rich and diverse curriculum and a nurturing learning environment where children can thrive and develop into self-confident, caring members of the community.
High expectations are embedded through our school values of Respect, Kindness, Tolerance, Responsibility and Co-operation. We strive to provide excellent learning experiences helping children to become enthusiastic and confident in their learning, developing a wide range of knowledge and skills.
We consider our school to be a team where everyone is a learner and where everyone matters. We all have an important role to play: staff, children, parents, and governors, learning and working together to ensure the best possible outcomes for our children.
We hope you find the information on this website useful. If you would like the opportunity to visit our school, you are very welcome to come and have a look around – please contact us to make arrangements.
We look forward to meeting you.
Best wishes
Kate Bushaway
Google Classroom at Great Moor Junior School
Click here to log in to Google Classroom
Accelerated Reader Programme
Great Moor Junior School is part of the Accelerated Reader programme.
Click the link here to go to our AR site
All of the children have a ZPD (Zone of Proximal Development) level in their Reading Record and they can choose from a range of books within that level to find one that they will enjoy. Children can also search for suitable books on the AR Bookfind website via this LINK or read one of the 6000 online texts in myON.co.uk so there is plenty of choice! Children should have their log in details.. The children gain points and improve their ZPD level by correctly answering the online quizzes (that test comprehension) for their books so they can see their progress which is very motivating. They also love taking the quizzes!
You can find out more about the programme at: https://www.renaissance.com/2016/09/09/parents-guide-renaissance-accelerated-reader-360/
Please see the following handy guide for support with accessing and completing pupil's work when remote learning. Click on the file below.
If you would like to receive any information in a different language please let us know.