PE and Sport Premium
PE and Sport Premium 2023/24
The PE and Sports Premium for 2023/24 is £19,110.
All children benefit from a comprehensive PE programme. Staff have confidence, knowledge and skills in teaching PE and sport which continue to have a high profile in school. Sporting activities continue to be well resourced, games lessons are taught on a high quality artificial grass surface and are very rarely missed due to inclement weather.
Games Lessons
- High quality games lessons that cover major sports including football, netball, hockey, cricket, tennis, tag-rugby and athletics.
- Good progression of skills throughout the school.
- Consistency of approach and continuity of teaching.
- Excellent use of time and resources.
- All children take part in two games lessons a week.
- Two staff are teaching lessons which enables games/matches to be closely monitored so there is a high transference of skills developed in the earlier part of the lesson.
- Individual needs are well met.
Active Mile
- Children take part in the active mile on the days they don’t have games. Years 3 and 4 use the trail we have marked on the playground and Years 5 and 6 use the field.
Swimming Lessons
- A specialist teacher leads lessons which are provided for all the children. Children participate in a half termly course of swimming lessons in Years 4, 5 and 6. We have provided extra swimming lessons this year for Year 3 so that they received a whole term of swimming lessons.
- 86% of our current Year 6 pupils are able to swim confidently’ competently and efficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres. Those children also use a range of strokes effectively and are confident in self-rescue.
Gymnastics Lessons
- All children participate on regular lessons which focus on the core skills of gymnastics.
Dance Lessons
- All children participate in regular dance lessons to improve movement, co-ordination and expression. Our programme includes exploring dance form a range of different cultures.
- Year 4 children take part in an African dance day each year,
PE and Sports Participation
- Mini-tournaments started in games lessons are extended to an intra-school competition in each of the games taught. All pupils are involved in these.
- All children participate in the Active Mile on days when they do not have games.
- Children are involved in regular after school clubs in a range of sports: football, tennis, tag-rugby, karate and dance.
- Special events such as our ‘Mini-Marathon’ and ‘World Cup’ are organised and enjoyed by the vast majority of pupils.
- We have established links with our local tennis club which provide opportunities for children to join a local club and develop their skills/interests further.
- Children take part in cross-country events on a Saturday organised by Stockport Harriers.
- Healthy active lifestyles are taught and promoted.
- Fair play and co-operation are important aspects of our games teaching and sports programme.
- Children are involved in competitive sports.
- Children are involved in residential outdoor activities which are available to all year groups.
Lunchtimes and Playtimes
- Children are encouraged to be physically active in playtimes and lunchtimes and are involved in a range of different games on both the playground and our school field.
- Our tyre park is well used by children at playtimes who enjoy developing their balance and agility.
- A range of equipment including football posts, footballs, skipping ropes, basketball hoops etc are provided to encourage active play.
- Lunchtime assistants encourage children to be active during playtimes.
- Every effort is made to ensure that playtimes are outside with children dressing appropriately for cold weather.
Extra-Curricular Activities
- We are committed to running a wide range of extra-curricular activities that extend and develop the PE curriculum and promote children’s participation in sporting and other physical activities. We facilitate high quality clubs that run on a weekly basis and are kept low cost for parents in dance, tag-rugby, football, tennis (we use the local tennis club and coach), karate, table tennis. We are always reviewing and extending the range of clubs we offer depending on interest shown.
Outdoor Activities
- We run residential outdoor adventurous activity weekends to give children the opportunity to try a variety of outdoor activities.
Amount received - £19,110
Salary for additional Teaching Assistant to support games lessons (ensuring there are two members of staff teaching every lesson) - £17,080
Training of Year 5 and 6 playleaders - £99
New equipment for playtimes and games lessons- £620
Extra swimming lessons for Year 3 - £461
Contributions towards residential trips and wider curriculum - £850
Impact on standards
The Sports grant continues to have a very positive impact for children:
- Sport and physical activity are high profile within the school throughout the year.
- Regular physical activity and sport have a positive effect on levels of concentration and learning across the curriculum.
- Children participate in the Active Mile on the days they aren't doing other PE.
- There is greater participation in intra-school competition and events.
- Increased participation in after school clubs in a range of sport.
- More children are becoming involved with local sports clubs in a range of sports, notably tennis, football and athletics.
- Increased levels of fitness amongst children (termly fitness tests are undertaken as part of games lessons).
- Most children are very active at playtimes.
- PE and sports are very popular with children – children enjoy their lessons, put in a lot of effort and enjoy the wide range of sports on offer.
- Children’s love of sport and the buzz created by our sporting activities is a factor in maintaining high attendance.
- Levels of co-operation between children, understanding of fair play and rules continue to improve.
- Overall standard of performance continue to develop because of the additional input into the teaching of games lessons.
- There is a broad range of sports and activities offered to the children.
- Relationships between children develop positively and friendships grow as children experience events together.