
We are proud of the very good behaviour of the majority of our pupils which has been identified as a strength in our school inspections.  We encourage pupils to develop a good sense of self-discipline and to take responsibility for their own actions.

We have clear expectations of how our pupils should behave in school and these are communicated to the children.

Every individual is valued for who they are and what they contribute to the school. Our school values are an integral part of school life and are intended to support the personal, social and spiritual development of every pupil throughout the school. We have high expectations of all our children, encouraging them always to do their best regardless of their gender, ethnicity, additional needs or beliefs.

We reward good behaviour in a range of ways, including badges and certificates as well as lots of praise and recognition.  Our pupils realise that we are able to organise lots of fun events and activities because of their own good behaviour.

We use a set system of sanctions for dealing with any misbehaviour which includes warnings, time in with the Year Group Leader and Reflection Time. Please see more information in our Behaviour Policy below.

We use the Zones of Regulation to help children self-regulate their emotions - please also see more information about this below.

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Online Safety

Below are links to useful websites for keeping children safe on the internet: