School Curriculum

We follow the National Curriculum for Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6).  The National Curriculum is a framework provided by the government so that all children are taught in a way that is balanced and manageable.  We use the National Curriculum to provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all our pupils, helping them to achieve all relevant skills and knowledge and develop positive attitudes towards learning.

DFE National Curriculum

We teach the Curriculum in 4 ways:

1.         On-going units of study

  • English (National Curriculum – see link above)
  • Mathematics (National Curriculum – see link above)

2.         Weekly class lessons which follow the national curriculum – see link above.


3.         Modular Subjects – A half-termly block of work focusing on a specific topic in detail – Science, Technology, Geography, History – Modules Overview 

4.         Blocked units of work –  Music and Art – Arts timetable  

The principles of our teaching and learning policy apply in all curricular areas.


Files to Download

Online Safety

Below are links to useful websites for keeping children safe on the internet: