Learning Ambassadors

Our Learning Council is made up of two Learning Ambassadors in each class across school. Their aim is to represent the school community in the development of teaching and learning. The council also focuses on the rights and responsibilities of children, working to ensure that these are respected. Our ambassadors meet their Link Governors each half term and take them around school to their year group, highlighting the latest topics in school and discussing what we have been working on. The Learning Council is supported by Mrs ijima. Meetings take place half termly with a range of children from all year groups

The role of the Learning Council

The Learning Ambassadors actively participate in monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of learning throughout the school. They discuss the way forward and make recommendations based on their evidence and discussions.

To advise the Headteacher, Senior Leadership Team and teaching staff on:

  • Improvements to the learning conditions for all children at Great Moor Junior School

  • To ensure that learning is fun, interactive and interesting

  • To ensure that planning and teaching is pupil-centred, ensuring improved education for all

As Learning Ambassadors they will:

  • Visit other classes and learning across the school

  • Greet visitors to their class with a brief explanation of what learning is taking place in their class

  • Carry out surveys of pupils views about learning

  • Review on a regular basis the school’s curriculum

  • Comment on resources available for curriculum development

  • Make recommendations to the Headteacher, Senior Leadership Team and the school teaching staff


Online Safety

Below are links to useful websites for keeping children safe on the internet: